Photography Portfolio of Kevin Landwer-Johan


PhotoMontages Portfolio Images

Photomontages have been part of my entire photography experience. I learned of the work of British artist David Hockney shortly after I purchased my first camera. His method of joining many photographs into one single artwork fascinated me. The whole time and space restriction of photography seemed no longer relevant.

Photomontages I create are cubist in nature. A single photograph is restricted to being taken from one location, otherwise blurring will occur. Each photo is also limited by time. Exposures happen often with a very short duration.

Photomontages Are Flexible

With photomontages both these restraints are removed. I am free to move around with my camera while making a photomontage. I can view my subject from many points of view. So, as I construct a montage, I am not limited by a single perspective. This is challenging to manage as I must take care the image I create is cohesive.

I take the photos over a period of time, so I can manipulate time in each artwork. Sometimes it doesn’t take long at all. Other montages take much longer to photograph. At times I may return to the location to take photos more than once. Whenever there is movement within my composition this can be captured and included. A single person, vehicle, animal, etc. moving within a montage can appear many times in the finished artwork.


Over the years I have continued to experiment with photomontages. As digital photography became a reality it also meant for me that I could include video in my montages. I make them move. To see some of my montages that incorporate video, please take a look at them on my Youtube channel.

There’s also a video where I explain more about how I create my photomontages and another showing me putting one together.