Photography Workshops With a Difference

Thai traditional photo workshops featuring models in traditional costume.

We love running our photography workshops in Thailand featuring sessions with models in traditional costumes. Especially when we add an elephant into the mix. Working with models is a new experience for most of our workshop participants. We are careful to ensure they are able to make the most of it. For any of our workshops we only take a maximum of four people, so everyone had ample time with the models and to receive guidance and teaching.

Most travel photography workshops and tours don’t include such opportunities as we offer. Travel photography in Thailand is a lot about temples, markets and landscapes, which are all wonderful subjects. Our photography sessions with models we open up a whole new level of experience. You can capture a sense of history photographing costumes which date back centuries. We choose young women and men to model for us who are also dancers. Because they understand the traditional dance, which always tells cultural stories, they truly inhabit their costumes.

Photography in Chiang Mai is great all year round, but we only run our five day workshops during the cool, dry season. This is November through February each year. There’s quite a commitment and outlay in putting together these workshops so we don’t want to risk bad weather.